Maddok , Suggestions..where's the 4th? Help please.
ok 4 times ive completed this mission and 4 times i get expert and no masters.
Problem?There is no 4th suggestion for me to follow.
I tell the Corsair dude, i dont trust him..fight kill yada yada yada.
suggeestion 1, hide in waterfall: DONE
suggestion 2, stick to east wall go north: Done
suggestion 3, kill corsair runners, Done,
Bypassed base well done Juken.still danger...Bayal and Hunger ..fight kill yada yada, wheres my 4th suggestion? *pls bare in mind, before triggering the ut scene for bayal to apear, i explored the whole place every nook and still
by the way i DID search and they took me to bum links, links that were not directing me anywhere!! ;-)
No 4th suggestion. is it bugged or did i miss somthing? will pay for succesfull help, see me in game for 10 if your suggestions works. *not kidding*